My Portfolio Website! 

Samantha Bastidas

My Projects!  

            Illustrator                                                                                                                       Photoshop   

Self Avatar: 

Self-portrayed avatar based on my looks and style  

Baby Monster: 

Cute, tiny, personalized monster.       


Menu with my own donut and ice cream design!   

Gardians of The Galaxy

Photoshop project in wich the images were carefully cut out and combined to create the movie cover.  


Sun- setting style landscape that illustrates the wilderness. 

Zombie Me:

A picture of me delicately transformed to a scary, bloody zombie.

Typography Flower: 

Flower shaped made from the its very own word "Flower." 

My House: 

My own house designs with my favorite colors and set of style. 

Typography Car:

Car design made from the word car in order to shape the car. 

Boys Bowling:

Personalized and uniquely designed logo for the boys bowling team. 

Snake Typography: 

The word "snake" carefully used to design the shape of a snake. 

Girls Bowling:

Personally made logo to support the girls bowling team!


My own donut desingswith descriptions and details.

Cereal Box:

Partner project   

Ice Cream:

Ice creams personally made based on my favorite strawberry flavor and design.


Cut out pieces and shapes to make a tower.  


Personally made snowman full of joy and magic!  

Moutain Drawing:

Mountains made with the pen in photoshop in order to make the drawing of a beautiful view.

Vanilla Chocolate Covered Ice Cream: 

Vanilla ice cream coverd in chocolate peronally made and design  by me! 


Picture of me with nine different filters to personalize them.